Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rubber band Method: Stretching My Relaxer.

For those who don't know, stretching your relaxers is just another term for postponing your relax date or extending your relaxer. I have decided to extend my relaxer until the first Saturday in April. My last relaxer was January 4th and my hair is growing extremely fast. This is the longest stretch I've ever been on and  I am following my hair regimen religiously, excited to see just how much growth I will achieve at the end. Stretching your relaxer is one of the best ways to promote hair growth, it allows your hair to grow without the effect of the "every six week relaxer" stress. Relaxer weakens the hair and makes it more vulnerable to breakage and shedding, although after 6 weeks it is recommended by hair stylists to get a relaxer (and no time before) your hair can still suffer from breakage. If this is your first time stretching your relaxer you should begin by extending weeks at a time, for example 7 weeks to 10 weeks to 12 weeks. This allows you to be able to "master the technique of taking care of your new growth" (lol). I mean what's the sense of a stretch if you're unable to take care of new growth. New growth can affect your hair positively and negatively. If you take care of your new growth, moisturizing and conditioning them frequently you are sure to reap positive rewards. However if your new growth is dry tons of breakage can occur leading to unsatisfactory results.
So are you ready?!?
Hair Regimen....CHECK!.....moisturizers and oils....CHECK!....deep conditioners.....CHECK!
Let the stretching begin!....Good Luck =)

TaTa for now XOXO

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